Monday, November 27, 2006

Buster Loves To Run

Buster running with a friend at Magnuson Dog Park. Nope - that's not Shadow - just an anonymous running buddy.
Fun With Buster

Puppies and Snow - A Trip Down Memory Lane

Here's Buster's first snowfall in Feb., 2001, less than a week after she was adopted.

8 Weeks Old and Ready to Run

First Night Home - Feb 10, 2001 - 8 Weeks Old

On The Couch - 9 or 10 Weeks

Rascal Likes To Lie In Front of the Fire

What's All Over Shadow?

Cold feet!

Shadow Likes the Snow!

Shadows first snow - almost 6 months old (and just spayed)

Tastes good, too!

What a good looking dog!


Rascal 4.5 months - demonstrating the use of a muslin photo background